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Why Register

This is about YOU being able to get the special Package Deals SFDJ has negotiated with the best area enjoy the Best Dive Resort experience possible. possible.

Examples of the benefits of logging in:

  • 1. Much lower prices when reserving  hotel rooms for divers with SFDJ log-in ID
  • 2. All perks we are currently offering  will be immediately offered to you, such as:
    • a. Any "special" boat or hotel deals
    • b. Better fill discounts for air, Nitrox or trimix
    • Shuttle Van availability which is most likely when we have a large number of SFDJ registered Hotel guests in a given week.
    • d. High likelihood of getting you diving with other divers with exactly the same diving interest you have ****Should be the most important perk..see Specific Interest Dive Group article
    • e. Planning tools and Groups Calendar system to help you find the best times to find what you want on a Palm Beach Dive Trip
  • 3. If you are a Scubaboard member, we can alert you when there are several other Scubaboard members in town diving during your trip here
  • 5. Opportunity to be notified and involved in Free Gear Demos, free DIR Dive Experience and Training demos
  • 6. Help us create a larger lobby for Palm Beach Diving which we can leverage with County Tourism to push for better State and local protections for the Palm Beach Reef system.

Beyond being an Underwater Adventure Magazine, SFDJ  is the collaborative infrastructure of the best Dive Operators and best Hotels for diving in Palm Beach county Florida..SFDJ is the system the hotels and boats are using to connect with traveling and local divers, and if you don't login each time you visit, the boats and hotels won't be able to offer you the best deals and ideas we have come up with.


Join the fight to Save the Jewfish

When most divers learn that the Fishing Lobbies are working hard to regain the ability to "harvest" Goliath Groupers( aka Jewfish) , this tends to leave them a little confused. How could the State of Florida, or the South Atlantic Fisheries Management, allow this?

One big problem is how the fisherman perceive the big fish now... There are places where the Jewfish are apparently back in big numbers... Some of the most heralded fishing spots have stories about them now; like how on some days, fisherman couldn't even get their bait to the bottom without hooking a Goliath. Between losing their baits, and having to immediately get the Goliath off the line, fisherman are not happy with the situation as it is. Many are actually excited


about how "the JEWFISH ARE BACK", and speak "loudly and often", about how it's about time the law changes so they can begin fishing for them again..

Have the Goliath Groupers really returned to a healthy, reproductive population the fisherman could safely exploit in the summer fishing season?

If you were a fisherman, and you planned all year to be fishing at the best possible time--in the summer, this becomes a seriously unfortunate coincidence with Goliath Grouper spawning habits.....Strangely enough, the Goliath Grouper choose essentially the same months favored by fisherman, for their own aggregation behaviors for spawning. Worse still, they choose some sites the fisherman really love as well. Clearly,