Creatures of the Ledge

Lobster are typical creatures of the ledge and crevice system here.

As you focus down and begin to look for the smaller life forms, ...some of them appear to be very complex, and "other worldly" looking, like these Zoanthids, which can be found in cracks and crevaces within the ledges of South Florida.
A whole new ecosystem begins to unfold within this ledge structure.
As you glide along about 6 to 8 feet from the bottom, look for crevice and ledge structure that is buzzing with activity (little fish, bigger ones, swarms of mosquito sized dots(shrimp usually)...
...and settle down slowly and quietly right at the mouth of the structure. Use "good buoyancy skills" so that you don't collide with delicate marine life in the process. As you slowly move yourself close to the structure, you should be able to change the focus of your vision so that now you are looking for tiny creatures, only a foot or so away. Slow your heart rate and breathing, relax, and begin to be entertained by a new kind of "soap opera". Before your eyes you will begin to see relationships and behaviors you may never have imagined. Because they represent a critical part of the synergism occurring in these tiny eco-systems, the shrimp are particularly good to look for once you've begun to "focus down". If you watch the way the larger fish approach these systems, you may very well learn from their behavior enough to present yourself in such a way that the cleaner shrimp will walk up on to your hand and begin a manicure!
From the world of a Squat Anemone Shrimp...
...To the camoulflaged existance of the Frogfish...
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