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Right now sea turtles have become something of a major environmental issue. I'd rather Norine or the Marine Life Center do the explaining about where sea turtles fit into nature and our future. Another perspective, mine, is that sometimes we need to protect something because its beautiful and a part of our world---that without it, "we" would be less. Would your life be poorer if there were no trees? Would your life have less meaning if the "seven great wonders of the world" ceased to be, or if they became the six or the five great wonders....Do you really need Niagara Falls, I mean, if the petroleum industry diverted the water and excavated what had been the Falls for coal or gas or some precious mineral, would you feel your life was less rich without this wonder our parents assumed would always be there?

This is how I feel about the Sea Turtles I visit with. Its really kind of a personal feeling when something touches you so deeply you feel you are different from this contact. And you know other people would feel the same way, if only they could experience this "touching". I'm hoping the glimpses my slide show provides of the "character", the grace, and the natural beauty of these creatures, will give you an insight into the special gift the sea turtles bring to us.

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